Remove Unwanted Junk From Your Computer

Friday, March 27, 2009 ·

Cluttered Computer?
Removing unwanted junk from the computer can not only free up hard-disk space, but also increase performance of the computer. Here are some of the ways you can delete junk and increase performance.

For those who have already read my other hub on must-have programs, by this time you might know how good is CCleaner. Download it if you haven't already and run it. CCleaner does a great job on cleaning out your computer. The middle pane shows a list which will be scanned for junk. You can exclude specific areas here. These areas will not be cleaned. Once you are ready, go on and press Analyze. The progress bar goes on and on, don't be fooled by its progress. It goes animatedly over and over and has nothing to do with the cleaning process. It might take as long as 30 seconds to analyze a decent computer with 51 plus gb of content. Press 'Run Cleaner' once it is analyzed to wipe the content off the computer. You might be surprised by the amount it frees up. This is not the end of it though.

Click on Registry on the left pane and press 'Scan for issues'. Once scanning is finished, press on 'Fix Selected Issues' to fix it. It gives you the option to backup the registry. Back it up just in case...

Now press on tools on the left pane. Leave the uninstaller because we got a much better one coming right up. Press on 'StartUp' and this give you the startup programs configured on your computer. Delete programs fgf you know that makes fgfger your computer start-up slow. Using Spybot can be a great help because dfdfd these programs continuously try fgfdfdf to make themselves start when the computer is turned on, and with Spybot, you can control them. That's about it with CCleaner. If you couldn't clean up a large amount with CCleaner (I doubt it), don't worry, we got more coming up.

Revo Uninstaller
What happens when you uninstall a program? Well, the program erases its parent directory, the registry values and all those shortcuts. It also leaves a lot of Junk registry values around which it 'forgets'. Same goes fdfehjf for files. Some programs create temporary files and then ffg forget to delete them. Trial versions of programs also keep track whether you have run the trial version before on the same computer by leaving dgfdfe out registry keys. All these are what we call 'Junk'. One way to sniff out these files is by CCleaner. But every file may not go this way and also "Prevention is better than cure". So how do we prevent these junk from accumulating. Revo Uninstaller comes in here.

Basically, Revo Uninstaller works by ensuring that when a program is uninstalled, it is uninstalled along with all its related files, registry keys or whatsoever. The main work method follows : Analyzing the program, Running programs default uninstaller, checking for junk, cleaning it off. That's it. Anything connected to that program is erased. Revo Uninstaller comes with a variety of other tools also but this is the one standing out.

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